I recently have been investigating the advantages of using Coconut Oil, as a supplement for my dog, Sarafina. I came across this topic in the July Issue of Dogs Naturally Magazine (by far my FAVORITE magazine check it out:
http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/). Here I learned of the advantages of using Coconut Oil, especially in dogs with allergies. Did I mention Coconut Oil is also one of the cheaper oils on the market?
Coconut oil differs from salmon and fish oils because it is a medium chain triglyceride which is a medium-chain fatty acid, versus fish oils which are long chains. Thus, these two oils supply different benefits. For a great comparison chart check out:

Coconut oil is considered to be hypoallergenic, which is excellent when it comes to treating dogs with allergies. My mother's dog, Sasha, has suffered from allergies her whole life. Spending countless amounts of money on vet visits and special trips to the dermatologist and allergy experts, we got no where. Now we are integrating homeopathy, fresh diets, and newly coconut oil. SHE HAS NEVER BEEN LESS ITCHY!
While also helping with allergies, Coconut Oil also helps with:
- supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract
- helps against bacterial infections and inflammation
- helps against yeast and fungal infections
- helps balance the immune system

I will begin using Coconut Oil for Sarafina this month, alternating her from salmon oil and coconut oil each month, to ensure she gets both benefits! And I will be sure to update on how this amazing oil supports her to be a healthy, happy dog!
For more information on Coconut Oil and all it's wonders go to: