I recently have been investigating the advantages of using Coconut Oil, as a supplement for my dog, Sarafina. I came across this topic in the July Issue of Dogs Naturally Magazine (by far my FAVORITE magazine check it out: http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/). Here I learned of the advantages of using Coconut Oil, especially in dogs with allergies. Did I mention Coconut Oil is also one of the cheaper oils on the market?
Coconut oil differs from salmon and fish oils because it is a medium chain triglyceride which is a medium-chain fatty acid, versus fish oils which are long chains. Thus, these two oils supply different benefits. For a great comparison chart check out: http://www.cocotherapy.com/fishoilsvsvirginoil_coconutoil.htm

While also helping with allergies, Coconut Oil also helps with:
- supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract
- helps against bacterial infections and inflammation
- helps against yeast and fungal infections
- helps balance the immune system

For more information on Coconut Oil and all it's wonders go to: www.cocotherapy.com