Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I recently was introduced to the world of aromatherapy and it's benefits for animals. Have a dog that is hyperactive? ( I know I do!) Not acting themselves? Depressed? Stressed? Well aromatherapy can help with all of those things! There is this amazing site called "Daisy Paw" ( and they specialize in aromatherapy for animals and people! They make these amazing devices called "Collar Companions" for dogs. You clip them onto the collar and drop aromatherapy oil in the middle section and viola!

I will be trying out the "Let's Chill" for Sarafina when we go places like the store and she gets hyperactive and also the "De-Bugged" for when we are outside in the summer in conjunction with her amber stone collar (see older post about that!) as an alternative to yucky topical pesticides such as frontline, etc. They also sell stones that have different properties (such as healing a broken heart i.e. when another animal in the household passes) to use in conjunction with the oils.

Check it out and let me know if it works for your dog!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Probably the biggest change since I was last posting, several months ago, was changing Sarafina to a raw food diet. I know this topic is very controversial, but I believe it was one of the best changes I have ever made for Sarafina. She actually likes her food for once, back when I used to feed her dry kibble she hardly ever ate. It was a high quality kibble as well. I used to have to struggle with her to eat and that was the biggest pushing point for me to change her diet. She now enjoys eating much more than before. The idea of making a more natural diet is also very appealing to me. You don't see dogs eating kibble in the wild. While I definitely agree that it is not for everyone I think if you have the money, the time, and the commitment you should definitely try it out for your pup! I personally recomend starting with Bravo!, they are a great company, one of the original raw dog food companies. For more information go to:

Any questions about feeding raw? Ask them in the comments!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Where have I been?!

School got crazy and Sarafina dog fun had to go on hiatus, but WE ARE BACK!
Sharing with you awesome dog tips, treat recipes, and ideas.


YES! We had a party, pictures below and more fun posts to come!